Few are with safe hands... and there are many awaiting your help...
Project Akshara
Under Project Akshara we have Two Programs
Education Assistance Program (EAP)
Akshara Students will get continuous mentorship through personal counselling and motivation classes.
Motivation & Awareness Program (MAP)
Students will be encouraged continously to access emails, digital books etc and also to communicate in English for further skill development.
Project Suhrita
Under Project Suhrita we have One Program
Pick A Wish (PAW)
We provide gifts like toys, game boards etc in orphanages by collecting their wishes. Also we provided assistance to nearly 20 school-going orphan kids for their transportation and basic school needs and medical, educational assistance to a mentally-retarted orphan kid for three years.
Project Vaidya
Under Project Vaidya we have Two Programs
Save A Life (SAL)
Any one can register as Blood Donor online and help the patients in emergency.
Health Awareness Program (HAP)
Medical and Dental Awareness camps are being conducted under this program in schools and remote villages.
Project Uddharaka
Under Project Uddharaka we have One Program
Rehabilitate And Renovate (RAR)
As part of renovation, We provide basic amenities like benches, tables etc to Govt. schools. As part of rehabilitation, we provide basic necessities to affected people during natural calamities.