Few are with safe hands... and there are many awaiting your help...
What Project UDDHARAKA - RAR Do?
Under Safe Hands Foundation's Project UDDHARAKA, Rehabilitate and Renovate (RAR) in an activity in which we conduct activities like setting up Rehabilitation Camps for Areas affected by Natural Calamities.
In addition to the above, We also conduct activities like Renovation of Govt. Schools, Providing basic amenities to their students etc.
Project UDDHARAKA - RAR's Procedure
- A village or a region affected by some unexpected incidents will be chosen for providing help.
- Details such as Count of Population, Houses etc. will be collected from the head of that place or local government official.
- We adopt such village for one week by providing necessary daily-needs like Rice, Utensils, Milk, Blankets etc.
- Help may be extended based on the Govt. Support to that place and area/people affected.
- Apart from the above task, In general, we also select some govt. schools and provided basic necessities like benches, tables, fans etc.
Project UDDHARAKA - RAR's so far...
- We have adopted a village "Nasnuru" in Mahaboobnagar district, A.P. for one week at the time of drastic unexpected floods during 2009-10. We have provided necessary needs sufficient for one week to whole village.
- We have donated 20 benches and 5 tables to ZPSS Dendukuru in 2015. Nearly 100 students are able to access the benches and even teachers are motivated to give their best in teaching by accessing tables for demonstartion.